MyPim Overview
How to acquire and start using MyPim
To follow the download instructions you need the skills to perform certain basic tasks on your computer. You need to be able to download a file so that it is stored in a directory you specify on your computer's hard disk. You need a basic understanding of computer files and directories (also known as folders) and the operations that can be performed on files, such as copying them, renaming them, deleting them, finding them on your hard disk, and running executable program files without an icon.
You can download a fully functional demonstration version
of MyPim from this website. The demonstration version is identical to the regular version
except it will except that you can run it only a certain number of times. If you find
MyPim useful and would like to purchase the regular version fo $50, then send Douglass
Associates your email address. You can pay for the program either by:
(1) sending a check for $50.00 made out to Richard Douglass at 8800 Millway Drive, Austin,
TX 78757
(2) providing MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Card information (name on card, card number,
expiration date) by fax. The fax number is 512-454-9163.